The Year is Almost Over?...
With only a few weeks left in the year I feel like I should talk about the year but I will do that later I suppose. First let's talk about Christmas. Never in my life has there been such little build up to what used to be my favorite holiday. I realize this is for a few reasons. The first is that I have just been too busy to even think about Christmas (except for the fact that my semester final film is about christmas). I mean who has time to sit and think about what to get people when I haven't even thought about what I want myself. Another reason is the weather. I mean seriously, who can go christmas shopping when you don't even need to wear a coat to go outside. I realize that the mid-50 temperatures we have been having here in NY are warmer than MI, but still, there's not even snow on the ground in michigan. It just doesn't feel like christmas when I have yet to see a single snow flake. The last reason is that now that I live in NY, there is nothing around that reminds me of the holidays. Everyone is back home in Michigan and so is our tree, christmas lights, cold(er) temperatues, ice and evergreens not being sold on the side of the road. In an effort to remedy my situation I walked over to Rockefeller Center (actually I was location scouting for a scene in my movie). It was the first time I had been down there since the tree lighting and I must say, it was pretty cool. Very nostalgic even though I have never been there at christmas. Riddle me this: is my lack of christmas anxiety/hype/euphoria because of the reasons I've listed above, or because I'm getting older?
I'm currently watching VH1's top 40 of '06 and it reminds me of MTV's top 100 videos of the year that I used to watch religiously on new years eve. Do they still even do that? If I didn't already have plans I would definitely stay home and watch if it was still on. As my first semester of school comes to a close, I am amazed at how much i have learned so far. It has happened to naturally over the last few months that I almost don't notice. I guess the only way to do something like this is to immerse yourself into it 100 percent for a year. I am excited to see where I'll be 6 months from now and what my upcoming projects will be like compared to my early ones. I can already see the difference between my last project and this one. This is the first one that I have had everything planned out and prepared for, dialogue, actors and a script that I wrote. It still blows my mind that people would audition to act out something that I wrote and directed.
Okay, I had a lot to say before I walked to my computer but it all escapes me at the moment. I will probably try again in a few days after production week is over. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem.
Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
I'm out like the Wii
-M, p & z
oh ps - I can't figure out what to get my mom or dad for christmas, they are notoriously impossible to shop for. Any suggestions of what you are getting your folks? Also, if you are gonna be in nyc for new years and want to hang, let me know asap, we're going to a bar that will be sold out of new years tix any day.