I Make Popcorn Flicks...
For those who don't know, a popcorn flick is a movie that is meant to entertain, not provoke some deep conversation about the state of the world. I, as a director, am not concerned with making characters wear certain colors to match some idealistic version of what I think the character represents, nor do I really care about making something that has some agenda to make a point about the human condition or a social commentary. I make, or I want to make, movies that make people laugh or cry or both. Movies that are great, but not in an artsy way. Don't get me wrong, I would love to pique the curiosity of someone's mind and make people contemplate their own lives, but you can't plan that. All you can do is make something that is real enough to make people relate to it. I think people in film school get into terms and labels and want so badly to be indie and fresh and innovative that they do everything they can to distance themselves from 'Hollywood.' I, on the other hand, embrace Hollywood. As much as I dream of being able to make anything like Wes Anderson (royal tenebaums, etc.) or David Russel (i heart huckabees, three kigs etc.) I want to make a movie like Bad Boys. I want to cast The Rock in a movie, I want to make Zoolander II, I want to have CG in a movie. My point is that there is a lot of emphasis on making things real and explorative and deep, but I just want to say that that is not who I am, and the only thing worse than people who try and make an artsy movie, are the people who try and make one even though they don't want to.
Sorry that was a random rant that may have made absolutely no sense. Moving on... This is the first time in my life that I have had to pack luggage to go home for thanksgiving. It's quite sad, the thought of packing to go home. I guess it had to happen eventually, that I move far enough away that I don't drive home, but it is still a weird feeling. I am glad I am finally going home though, this is the longest I have gone without being home (two and a half months) and I am getting pretty homesick. Here are some predictions about my trip home, the first thing my mom will say is that I look skinny and I am not eating enough and therefore also not dressing warm enough and not sleeping much. This will invariably lead to a talk about school, how they don't understand my movies and why I didn't make something Spielberg worthy, which will of course lead to concern over my ability to get a job after film school is over. Anyways, it will make me feel right at home which is what I am looking forward to. I also assume that I will have to rake at some point, and probably replace every bulb that is out, fix the printer, turn off some valve in the basement and lift something heavy. I'm excited.
I think I want to see every movie that is out right now. The most important are Casino Royale, Happy Feet, Fast Food Nation and The Prestige. I have seen Stranger than Fiction and Borat, both very good, but I will try and see the rest at home because it is literally half the price.
I missed fall which is infinitely sad. I went to the park a couple times to try and get a feel for autumn, but the leaves never really changed, they just sort of fell off. Anyways, I may blog from poho but maybe not. This is shaping up to be the best Thanksgiving ever. It was already the best holiday ever, but now with not only the Lions, but also the Pistons playing and a special extended episode of Grey's, I am gonna be in heaven. Have a happy turkey day and I'll catch you on the flip side. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem bitches.
Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
i'm out
-M, p & z
oh ps - go download Ingrid Michaelson, her new cd Girls and Boys is awesome. You may have heard her on last weeks Grey's. She's from Brooklyn and rocks. Or get on myspace and search for her website. Somewhere between Rilo Kiley and Regina Spektor. Very nice.
pps - does no one else agree with me about Lucy Liu. That pic is pretty bomb, right?
lucy liu bothers me. so do popcorn flicks. in other news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdUUx5FdySs&eurl=
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