It's funny how many 'last summers" we have. There's the summer after senior year of high-school when you think that you will never have a summer vacation again. Then the last summer vacation in college when you realize that every summer after you will have to take classes in order to graduate sometime this millennium. Then there is the summer after you graduate (my current status). This time it honestly may be my last summet to have a bullshit job (not that I don't love my job because I already know I will never work in a place where drinking is placed so high on the list of priorities, I mean we get free beer every friday and we get paid to drink it not to mention all the work parties, i mean - meetings.) Anyways, I'm hoping that this is my last summer ever. If it isn't, then it means I didn't get a job after film school which means I most likely am not good enough to be in the industry which means I would have to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. The good thing about not having a back-up plan in life is that I go where the road takes me, I have no idea what I'll be doing next year and it's very exciting. So what am I going to do with my last summer of freedom? Good question....
Well I have been hanging out outside as much as possible. I have switched from working inside the office to working the grounds at our various apartment communities (needless to say I am, as my mom would say, much too dark for anyone to marry). I decided that plans need to be made. The reason I never end up doing anything during the summer is because I never make the plans, I always just assume that if something comes along I will do it but nothing ever just comes along therefore I never do anything. Here are the things I want/need to do this summer, if you would like to participate in any of the activities let me know. Go to the Zoo, go camping, go wakeboarding, take a small road trip (not counting when I drive to NYC in august), have at least 6 bonfires, roll down an enormous hill, go fly fishing up north, do something outside I've never done before, go hang-gliding, go to Cedar Point, have a very large bbq (that would require many of you to come hang out) on a lake somewhere... Anyways these are just some things that I can think of off the top of my head so help me think of some more.
Anyways I guess I'm not feeling as pensive as I thought I was so I'm gonna go. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars, Go Big or Go Home. Carpe diem bitches...
I'm out
-Marty, P & Z
oh ps - currently hardcore jamming to my boy Jamie Kennedy and my homegirl Nelly Furtado (yes, I love that song "promiscuous").

1 comment:
goodnight, michelle
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