Aside from Fedderer winning yesterday, every other outcome sucked ass....
First of all Zidane is my boy.

He instantly became my favortie player in the cup after the US was elminated. If you weren't rooting for France (or Ghana) to win then something is wrong with you. His head-butt yesterday was awesome and that douchebag clearly deserved it. Unfortunately Italy won and it was probably because shoot-outs are ridiculously stupid. Do we even need a goal keeper for penalty kicks. I mean unless the guy kicking has never heard of Emilio Estevez and the patented 'triple deke," then the ball is clearly going in the back of the net. The only reason France lost is because some dude kicked the ball as hard as he possibly could and it hit the post and that was all she wrote. Anyways it was a good match but France definitely should have won, they played a muh better game.
Tiger played in only his second tournament since and came in second. Now I think it's great when someone who has never won tournament before wins but seriously, when Tiger is in contention on the 18th on Sunday who cares about the guy who has never won before. I want to see Tiger win every single tournament he enters, and I would really like to see him have a better rivalry with Phil. I mean they are clearly the two best yet they never play well on the same weekend. Anyways, kudos to that dude who won a bunch of money yesterday that wasn't TW.

Do me a favor and if you aren't one of the million people who already saw "Pirates of the Carribean 2," don't see it. Just don't do it. Please. It was not good. I rarely leave a movie theater unhappy with the summer blockbuster I have chosen to see. I mean what is with this summer. First the travesty that is X3 and then this abomination. As of now the exact numbers aren't in yet but it is projected that the movie will make $132 million opening weekend making it the biggest opening ever. The sad thing is that the movie sucked. Honestly, it was ok, but I don't ever want to see it again. I enjoyed about 30 minutes of the 2 and a half hour long snooze fest. On a scale of 1-10 I give it a 2. Please please please go see Superman. It is easily the best movie of not only the summer but the entire year. It was beyond good. Are people really that awful that they would go see POTC 2 over Superman. Sup hasn't even made as much after 3 weeks as Pirates did in one weekend. That is truly a shame. Pirates has no discernable start or finish. It picks up somewhere after the first one (which you better watch immediately prior to watching this film because that's what the director assumed you did which makes it silly if you haven't like myself) and cuts off. The only thing I can compare the lack of an ending to is LOTR: The Fellowship of the Rings, only in that movie I had read the books and I knew what was happening and while it doesn't stand on it's own, it wraps things up nicely so you are excited for the next one. Pirates is a shitty movie that is just another way to get you to spend money on this one and the next one. Don't see either. Trust me. Don't go see it!
Anyways that's all for now. I'm out. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Carpe Diem bitches.
-M, p&z
oh ps -

For a few years now there has been talk of a live action Transformers and many of us nerds in the online movie community have been up in arms about it. We have spread tons of negativity about it but alas it is no use. Why would I be so against this movie, well for starters Michael Bay is directing it. He is the genius behind Pearl Harbor. Not to mention last night on entourage they rip on him which is hilarious. Also, the odds of them fucking it up are so good that there is no way it can be good. That said, there is a teaser trailer for the movie which is scheduled to open 7/4/07 even though they are clearly going to have to rush to make that target date. Somehow I find myself on the edge of my seat waiting for that movie to come out and I have no doubt that I will have my tickets a week in advance and even worse that I will like it... It's a sad little world we live in...
I'd be curious to know why you disliked X3 so much. I agree it wasn't as good as X2, and it's too bad Nightcrawler apparently bamfed off the face of the earth for no reason since he was one of my favorite X-men, but I didn't think it was a total travesty. Personally, I thought Revenge of le Sith was worse than Le Last Stand.
I didn't hate X3 nearly as much as POTC 2. The probems I had with X3 are numerous. First of all you seem to mention the lack of nightcrawler (also one of my favs) as a sidenote when I believe he is what made X2 so good. Also Brett Ratner can't hld a candle to the dumps Bryan Singer takes. Also who cares about the retarded love triangle between rogue iceman and kitty. Not only did the movie lack a real sense of right and wrong but also prof x died, cyclops died (when really he left x-men to re-join singer for superman), jean sucked. The Beast's makeup was pretty lame and he didn't do as much as he should have. He came out of nowhere to have a monster role that only someone who was in the previous two should have had. Anyways i could go on and on but it was still better than Pirates.
I think you might have seen this teaser already, but if not...its worth a look. It looks very video-gameish but I think thats because it is merely a teaser and the actual design is yet to be done. Who knows, they might have a Pete and Pete: the older years movie and the circle would be complete.
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