I never thought I would ever say this but school is the greatest thing in the world. I assume regular school still blows, but film school is legit. True, it will be an eventual hard knock life, but for now it is the greatest institute in existence. We have already started shooting. I mean on actual film stock. I am no longer using silly Hi-8 tapes, or even mini-DV on unworthy cameras. I am shooting 16mm Black and White Reversal Stock Film. This is the stuff the news used to be broadcast on (granted that was 70 years ago) but it's still cool nonetheless. Anyways, school rules so far. Everyone in my section is very cool and nice, or at least nice. There is only one guy that I cannot stand and I found out that my boy Phil (my new friend in class) doesn't like him either. We bonded over how annoying the kid is, well we didn't bond over it but we definitely talked about it for at least 30 seconds.
[Here's a picture I took at Riverside Park, it's on the west side on the Hudson (I was feeling patriotic)]

Anyways there isn't much to tell so far. We have our first assignment this weekend and I believe we will be learning how to edit next week, presumably using this footage; so hopefully I will have something to post here late next week. I have started packing lucnhes again (sometimes class goes from 9-6 or 7) and I forgot how easy it is to eat a packed lunch. There is no scramble to figure out what I'm going to eat, or wonder if I will have enough time or money to get what I want. No sir, there is just the sqashed sandwich dented by my chocolate pudding Snack Pack. I also eat breakfast now because I cannot eat until 12:30 or 1, which is okay if you have nothing to do all morning but not if you need to pay attention and do stuff.
Anyways I guess this is going to be a short blog. I am trying to find something to add to my trademark sign-off paragraph and also I am thinking about taking one of them away. Here are a couple options that I have so far:
"It's the new american dream: work hard, flop the nut and win 12 million dollars." - Watching WSOP on ESPN2.
"Good day gentlemen, and until that day comes, keep your ear to the grindstone." Good Will Hunting - Ben Affleck's only good role ever, besides Mallrats.
Anyways, you can think about it for a while, let it simmer and what not and as always, get your feet off the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Go big or go home. Carpe diem bitches.
I'm out
-M, p & z
oh ps - the everclear cd is growing on me, but not as much as the JT cd keeps getting better. I find myself dancing to it in the streets like some i-pod commercial come to life only I don't glow and Bono is in the background. Also, if you like oreo's and you like pudding, try putting those two things together. Kapow! It's that good...

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