So obviously the first thing to talk about is Ben Wallace. I don't understand people sometimes. Big Ben was truly the heart and soul of not only the Pistons but Detroit Sports. He embodied a work ethic that every single person in the entire NBA admired. I remember the day Grant Hill left the D. He is arguably the most talented player ever to put on a Pistons jersey, yet somehow this one hurts so much more. Grant (my boy) left after paying his dues here, we knew he was leaving and we knew why - he wanted to win and it wasn't going to happen for a long time here. When he left we got Ben and that was the start of the change in Detroit. I remember when we were the worst team in the league, when our record was worse than last years woeful Knicks'. Grant wanted what was best for him but he also had love for Detroit and agreed to the sign and trade that brought Ben here, but Ben, who meant more to Detroit than Grant has ever, would not agree to a sign and trade. Instead he left us with nothing. We were willing to give him his dues and make him the highest paid Piston EVER. I don't understand how he can turn around and say that our offer of 48 MILLION dollars "was dissapointing." Really?? Seriously Ben?!? I was hurt when LB acted like he wanted to coach here but did nothing to show it, but nothing has ever compared to this outright Betrayal. I am conflicted as to whether I should cheer for him at the first Bulls game at the Palace or whether this single act of selfishness outweighs the 6 years of pure heart he poured into this city. Ultimately I assume I will boo his ass and probably hold up a sign that says "Ben Who?" and another one that says, "At least Nazr Mohammed can score!" Ben hurt us fans bad, this one act contradicted everything we stood for. He pretty much said a big fuck you to "Team" "Unity" "Love" and "Heart". Good riddance. Have fun watching the Pistons apotheosis from the bench in Chi-town.
Moving on.... Movies, Music and more....
If you still haven't seen Superman Returns, do yourself a favor and check it out. Don't waste your money on a movie like Pirates of the Carribean 2 which premiers this friday (don't get me wrong, I'm going to see it on friday but you should see superman first). I promise you, you will enjoy it. It will not be the same when you rent it on Netflix, it is a movie you have to see in theatres to get everything you can from it. I think they spent around 240 million making it and promoting it, and so far it has only made around 100 mil. You need to see it now. X Men 3 made 120 million its opening weekend which is stupid, and that movie sucked ass. Bryan Singer is an amazing director and he is the reason people thought X3 would be good. He directed X2 which was the best comic book adaptation until he made Superman Returns. Everyone went to go see that piece of shit movie X3 based on X2, when they should have gone to see superman. Anyways all I can say is for you to go see it.
Music you shoulc go get or download... Dashboard Confessional has a new cd and while Chris Carraba still sings his lungs out he never quite screams his lungs out which always made his songs that much better. It's still a very good cd and it's definitely worth buying or burning from someone who has it. Regina Spektor's new cd is insanely good. If you liked Soviet Kitsch, then you will love this. She is still a little zany but her songs are much more impressive. If you have never heard of her, get on I-Tunes and download the song "Fidelity" off her new album, I promise you it is worth the 99 cents and it will make you want to buy the whole album.

World Cup keeps getting better and better, though without the US in it I find myself rooting for whomever ESPN gave me a reason to, whether it be because the players had been though something crazy or because the country is united and peaceful all pulling for their country. Anyways I am convinced that in a few years soccer (though I prefer calling it futball) will be the new Hockey and Hockey will be exiled to the brink of bankruptcy like the MLS was.
Anyways I guess thats all for now, I will be blogging more frequently as I am sure the Pistons off-season will keep my mind racing. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Carpe diem bitches.
-M, p&z
oh ps - For the last 10 years I have sworn that "this year the Tigers are gonna be sweet and win the world series." It's good to be right once in a while...
Me yelling at a Morning Glory on the 4th...

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