Worst Week Ever...
I can't name a single person who isn't having a bad week. I'm not sure why but for some reason, everyone is having a crap time. So far this has taken me over 3 minutes to write these two sentences. Why? you ask. Because yesterday I decided I felt like cooking, so I went to Whole Foods and got a bunch of food and got in the mood to cook. I picked up Superman Returns and had dreams of watching it while I ate dinner. Alas my plans were foiled as me cutting food, quickly turned into me in the emerency room and leaving 2 and a hlaf hours later with 5 stitches in my palm. Now I admit, I do look like a bad ass and except for the time they stuck a needle in my open wound, multiple times, it didn't hurt at all. Today, however, my right arm was dead ( I had to get a tetanus shot ) and my wound also has this numbing, dull, constant pain, that doesn't hurt really, it's just very very annoying. Obviously, my 'bad week' is nothing at all, much worse things have happened to other people. I just wanted to mention it because I have never had to go to the hospital for anything. I tried to make some Grey's Anatomy jokes but the doc wasn't buying it. Too bad Izzy wasn't me doctor...
Anyways, short blog because it's hard to type. Have a safe week. Be careful out there. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem.
Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
much love
-M, p & z
oh ps - here are some pics of my hand. Also, I will upload that video I asked you all to come up with an idea for very soon.

That's nothing. This time last year my mom cut off part of her thumb. The reattachment surgery was an eventual, but apparently painful, sucess.
I'm thinking maybe you should be one of those people who just doesn't cook. I seem to remember a LARGE fire that burned half your kitchen when you tried to cook.
I swear I will call you soon...it may just be after finals though. I too had a bad week.
Your hand looks fat
sorry about it....
my week was/is crap too/again
that is me consoling
remember that show, sports night? that shit was good. i'm gonna buy the box set: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006IRH9/ref=reg_hu-wl_item-added/102-0647178-6251338
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