A Clogged Toilet...
First of all, a couple people have suggested that I may be a hazard in the kitchen. Now, while I can't argue the facts (me burning down a kitchen and last week going to the ER), I can put it into context. Many students and young adults simply do not cook, and no, anything that comes in a box or prepackaged does not count as cooking. I enjoy cooking and grocery shopping, and fresh produce and such in my meals is key to having fun. My point is that I cook a lot. More than most people. So by sheer volume of meals cooked there are bound to be some mishaps along the way. Bill, how can you injure yourself when the foreman grill is your savior, and Kelsey, you live at home - when was the lat time you cooked? You can't injure yourself if you don't get in the kitchen. Not that I took offense to being banned from the kitchen by both of you, I agree I should not be there unmonitored, but I just wanted people to know that injuries are bound to occur, espescially when you are as big of a bad ass as I am.
In other news, my brother was here over the weekend. Well, not here as in he stayed in our apartment, but in NYC - staying somewhere else. Anyways he was in my apt. for about 5 minutes before the place fell to shits - literally. After a night of drinking and a hearty brunch, a few people came back to our apartment to play some Nintendo. Muki had to use the bathroom and emerged 15 minutes later claiming "I didn't break the toilet, but it won't flush." Dax and I agree that if it was working before he went in, and broken after he came out, then logic points to him breaking it. Regardless of how it was broken there were many attempts to fix it over the next couple hours and it ended with Graham on his kneed wearing a wife beater with all of his glorious plumber's crack hanging out, sticking his hand (no glove on) into the toilet trying to use a hanger to unclog it. I almost threw up when I saw this happen but the water looked clean and from what I hear, urine is sterile. Nothing would work including a plunger they went to buy at bed bath and beyond. Anyways, i have a phobia of pooping in public bathrooms (I can count on one hand the number of times I was forced to do it) so I went to home depot, got a man's plunger and beat the shit out of the toilet until it relenquished the evil it concealed. My bowels are now empty.
Other things. Brian and I held our first casting calls on Saturday. Things went awesome, we had people audition for us for about 5 hours and all in all it was a success. It was very exciting being in charge and having people try out to be in something I am making. Like I am so cool, I have to pick and choose who I am going to allow being awesome with me. Anyways, good times. I am almost done casting for my film except for one part but hopefully everything works out and I will post the finished product in about a month.
Anyways, I have an insane amount of work to do so I will leave you now. Remember, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kicthen. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
much love
-M, p & z
oh ps - anyone going to be in nyc for new years let me know (kelsey, you know you and dave want to come). I have a large couch. Also, if anyone wants to be an extra in a movie let me know, we could use a few people.
Excuse me but I cook EVERY night in my house for my mother and I, while going to school full-time and working 22 hours a week. Cooking in my house involves everything being made from scratch. I am also resposible for the grocery shopping. I enjoy cooking. I am amazing at it. I have not injured myself nor have I burned anything down...EVER!
Whoa, I like how you can always tell when chicks are stressed out. Talk about displaced anger. I love you Kels, good luck on your finals.
I didn't break nothin'. Your toilet is on its last legs. The size of my deposit into its porcelain basin was but a pittance. This is especially true when compared to some of the foul beasts that you have wrought out of chicken and mushrooms and have unleashed onto this unsuspecting world to tear it asunder. I'm sure that between you, your extremely gassy roomate and your fellow director friend, the toilet was softened up to the point that my mere dalliance in your black arts was enough to send it to the tunnel where upon the light from above calling it to a better, carefree world was viewed. I am quite happy that you called it back, but rest assured, I am not the cause of its temporary out of body experience.
Nina and I are down for NYC for New Years. I'm also down for being an extra in a movie. I'm unemployed in a few weeks and have sh*t else to do with myself. Plus, I'm one sexy b*tch on camera.
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