Thursday, December 31, 2009

So Long 2009...

It's the end of the decade and for those faithful followers of me for the last 5 years (going allll the way back to my friendster blogging days, I'll catch you on the flip side.

This was a tumultuous year for me. Between traveling and moving and just being around, I haven't stayed in the same city for more than 3 weeks at a time. I think I'm staying put for a bit and am excited at the prospect of not being a vagabond (for a little bit at least). It was also a sad year for pets for the fam. First Zelda in February, then Peach in May and just last week we lost our oldest soldier, Ioz. He was the first pet our family had, we got him as a kitten on Christmas back in 97, and though he grew increasingly cantankerous in his old age, he was still and will always be our favorite.

Everyone be safe, have fun and get ridiculous. 2010 is going to be awesome.

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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