So over the last two nights I saw two very different movies (it's easy to spend your weekends doing exactly what you want when you have no friends). I started out the weekend with a bang when I went to go see the latest (and greatest) installment of Rambo. I must say, though not surprisingly, the movie kicked ass. Like literally kicked ass. It was everything a Rambo movie needed to be: lots of killing with minimal dialogue. Stallone kept the script so that the lines only preceded a ginormous killing frenzy. It may have been the New York Times who actually tallied the deaths, but there were at least 230 people that you see get killed. The cool thing about this was that it was much more extreme than previous Rambos. People weren't just being stabbed like it was First Blood Part III, instead they were being disemboweled. Towards the end, and this ruins nothing so don't worry, Rambo hops on a gatling gun for literally 10 minutes and just shoots everyone. 10 minutes. It ruled.

After last night I felt I owed it to the filmmaker in me to go see something that required lots of talent in both acting and directing so tonight I went to go see There Will Be Blood. I have been waiting for this movie forever. Daniel Day Lewis may be one of my favorite actors of all time and I think if I were ever to direct a movie and he were in it, I would pee my pants out of fear of embarrassing myself in front of him. He's that good. Not like he would ever do a movie I wanted to, but you know what I mean. The movie was probably one of the best acted movies I've seen in a long time. It was sort of a masterpiece on a lot of levels, but to be honest, it didn't really do it for me. It seemed like I was waiting for something to happen the entire movie and then at the end it was just kind of over. It's definitely worth a rental in a few months but save your money for Rambo, or if that doesn't float your boat, go see Juno. There Will Be Blood was DDL at his usual amazing self and Paul Dano (of Girl Next Door fame) surprised me with how good of an actor he is. I can't really put my finger on what it was exactly but I don't see what all the hoopla is about. I mean I think it definitely deserves a Best Actor nod and Best Director, but not Best Movie. Strange I know but trust me on this one.
Anyways, aside from that I didn't leave the apartment this weekend so I don't really have any stories. Keep your ear to the grindstone though...Go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Going to see a movie like Rambo by yourself might not be the greatest idea. It's hard to completely appreciate the absurdity of it all when you have no one to make jaw dropping googly faces at when Rambo shoots somebody through the skull with a bow and arrow...
Damn! I just read your blog to Dave and now he's making me go see Rambo. Thanks. Actually he wants to see There Will be Blood more, so hopefully I can convince him to see it.
yo man, have you seen Sunshine? watch that, immediately. oh, and Samurai Fiction. dem shits rule.
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