Recently to help me gather character traits about people to use in my scripts, I have started observing people. It started in class, mostly as a tool to keep me from killing myself for taking classes again, but really to help me write scripts. One of the reasons I went to film school was because of Wes Anderson, and one of my favorite things about his films is that all of his characters have very unique interesting character traits. Often they are ridiculous and hilarious, but they are what make his movies so special to me. I have always been a fan of people watching (and silently judging about how I'm way better) but lately instead of just noticing the crazy things people do I have been wondering why.
So I am going to start an ongoing segment of analyzing the people in my Astronomy class. It's actually the most mixed class I may have ever had as far as characters go. For a class that has only 30 people in it, it really runs the whole gamut of people you might ever run into. For example there is at least 1 douche bag and 1 douche baguette (though so far she has been pretty nice to me) there is not 1 but 2 forty year old looking dudes who don't seem to know anything beyond the fact that their mustaches rule (no lie). There is the blonde who spends a while getting ready who sits next to the girl who rocks anime sweatshirts and does not spend a long time getting ready. There is the asshole who hasn't grasped the fact that talking and making rude comments during class stopped being funny in 2000 (when I graduated high school). There is the guy who wears the same sweatshirt everyday (but it's cool because it's a Pistons hoodie), the guy who never reads or does his homework (not me (I actually find it hard to feel like I'm better and smarter than everyone else if I don't do the work)). What got me started on this though was this girl I had to work with last week.

She has never cut her hair. Ever. Very interesting. I was shocked. I found myself wondering who she was and why she would choose such an odd thing to do. My curiosity came out and I started asking her questions. Nothing personal, just annoying mostly hilarious questions. For example (I actually asked her these), "Have you ever gotten a hair cut?" "Do you sit on it a lot?" "How long on average does it take to dry and which part takes the longest?" "Do you sometimes use it as a scarf if you get cold?" While these questions may seem ridiculous to ask a person you don't know, for some reason they were all that came to mind. In retrospect I should have asked her why, but there is time for that. I guess what I'm wondering is why people do the things they do. What reasons could this girl possibly have for never cutting her hair? I don't know but I'd like to find out. This year is shaping up to be a strange one and I just decided I'm going to make it less convoluted and try talking to people and figuring out what makes them tick. After all I did decide that I needed to let you all know what makes me tick didn't I...
More soon. Go big and all that greatness...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - For those of you wondering, Yes, she sits on it sometimes and yes, it does pull her head back and hurt a little when she does. It's about halfway down her calfs. She didn't know exactly how long it took to dry but that it wasn't that thick so it wasn't too bad. She does not use it as a scarf and perhaps took offense to the question even though she smiled when she answered.
1 comment:
I work with someone who's never cut his backhair, ever. It's also very interesting.
PS - If you're wondering, yes, he does sometimes use it as a sweater.
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