My new phone is pretty cool. It's very trendy. I am usually behind on phones. I get good ones but I always seem to get them right before the next generation comes out. My last phone wasn't even bluetooth compatible All of my phones have been tanks though. I never go for the flimsy RAZRs or what have you. I buy the ones that only break if you load it into a bazooka and shoot it into some dynamite. But this time around I got a brand new one, the LG Shine. It's pretty fab. It has a slide up screen which I give less than a year before it breaks because it's too cool to last very long. It's got a pretty nice camera on it and you hold it like a regular digital cam. It also alerts me when I get new mail and I cn surf the web and it can play MP3s. It's pretty much a poor man's version of an iPhone. All in all, it's cool but I can tell that it's on the verge of breaking already.
Anyways, that's what I've been up to. That and kicking ass. Go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - I finally can also send and receive picture texts so if you got something funny, wend it my way. Sprint used to charge you 19 million yen for every kb you download.
1 comment:
yo, andrea just bought the iphone even though she totally can't afford it. her fatal mistake was going to the store with the intentions of buying a cheap new phone, but bringing cynthia along. cy totally talked her into it. andrea's a sucker.
oh, if you haven't already, you should read "bowl of cherries" by millard kaufman. it's effing hilarious. the protagonist is a cross between lolita's humbert humbert and catcher in the rye's holden caulfield. here's a quote (paraphrased): and right then i wondered how evil could ever persist anywhere in the world after copulation was discovered.
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