Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So last night I had this dream. This dude and I were getting into an argument and he kept talking and talking and wouldn't shut up. So finally we go our separate ways and do our own thing. At this point in the dream I think I was skateboarding down a mountain for no good reason other than I didn't have my snowboard on me. I remember after getting down to the bottom of the mountain and getting into the lodge, there were a ton of people there celebrating my great feat of skating down this mountainside. So anyway this guy is there again and he just starts talking shit again. So finally I guess we had had enough and he punched me twice and it was so fast that it slowed down matrix style, and I moved to the side for both of them and when then I countered by punching him as hard as I could right in the stomach...

And then I woke up, jaw-dropped in pain, because I had just punched the side of my wardrobe. I don't remember if I have ever posted pictures, but my room is tiny. I sleep on a fold out couch because when I fold it out it covers all of the available space I have. So anyway, I'm literally right next to my wardrobe (I'm not saying that to be cool, I just don't have a closet so I actually have a wardrobe) and my fist is clenched right against it. And my knuckles are scraped to sh*t. I think I listened to too much Eminiem yesterday....

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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