Clearly I'm no disease specialist, but is it just me or is this whole Swine Flu craze a little ridiculous. Maybe it's been blown a little bit out of proportion. Maybe? If you ask me, an "epidemic" needs to happen to more than just 20 people who have been infected across the country, only one of whom was hospitalized. I was reading an article yesterday where someone referred to it as pandemic, which is completely outrageous. You know why this has killed people in Mexico? Because people in Mexico get sick, and either can't afford to get to a hospital or don't go to one and unfortunately, they die. It's sad and tragic but it's not an epidemic. The people that were infected here in the U.S. were treated and are fine.
Now I'd like to point out that not only am I a not a disease specialist but I actually know nothing about diseases and all that can come about from them. But from what I understand, a common flu virus had babies with an Avian flu virus inside a pig, and out came a baby Swine Flu. Why is it scaring the sh*t out of people? People are going crazy. Maybe mass hysteria is a good thing. Maybe it's actually the only way to keep people safe and inside their homes. Maybe if the media talk about it enough and scares enough people, the Flu will go away. I actually don't know, but it could be right. Scare tactics work very well, just ask the GOP.
I look at it this way: people go to Africa despite the highest cases of Malaria and a multitude of other much scarier diseases, but they're afraid of this? And I really don't mean to make light of the fact that it has killed 152 people in Mexico, I'm just saying let's wait a little while before we start branding things epidemics. Let's wait just a minute before people start running for the hills with surgical masks on like we're in China running away from SARS. It's probably just an imaginary virus concocted by the Beef or Poultry industry to get back at the Pork industry for pwning them on Easter.
I'm out. Go big or go home.
-M, p, z & shredder
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