There were an alarmingly number of good movies this year, which is how I am sure 2009 is going to be weak. Noticeably absent from the list is The Dark Knight. There is kind of a lot of controversy about how good it is and as I have yet to see it in I-Max to get the full effect, I'm not going to include it in my list. I think I've expressed my opinion on it enough. You have all seen it and can make up your own mind as to where it belongs. If I were to rank it, it would be somewhere toward the middle. No higher than 4 and no lower than 8. Anyways, here is the top 10.
10.) Be Kind Rewind
I love Michel Gondry. Easily the most creative and imaginative director in our generation. I can't think of anyone who uses so much and creates such imaginary realities, yet somehow stays grounded and does not turn into preposterous.
9.) Son of Rambow
If you haven't seen this, netflix it asap. It about two kids who want to remake their own version of Rambow and how their friendship evolves. It's pretty great.
8.) Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Woody Allen is on a roll lately. He took Scarlett Johansen, who I don't particularly like and I think is very over rated in both looks and acting chops, and make her into someone I like. First Match Point, then Scoop and now this. Penelope Cruz is at her best and I would completely understand if any girl were to ever leave me for Javier Bardem.
7.) Iron Man
My favorite summer movie. Maybe not as good as Batman Begins but definitely better than TDK and really is set up to have a better sequel than TDK did with the addition on Mickey Rourke and Don Cheadle.
6.) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Michael Cera can seemingly do no wrong. How long will it take before he bores me is another question, though if he keeps making good choices like he has been, I don't see it happening. The pairing with Kat Dennings worked great and thank god this movie had a soundtrack that lived up to it's name.
5.) Milk
If not for Mickey Rourke, Sean Penn wins the Oscar. He was so good. The whole cast was really great. I thought James Franco really got into his role and made me forget about the disaster that was Pineapple Express.
4.) Gran Torino
As if the movie wasn't going to be good enough, Clint Eastwood took the movie to Michigan and filmed it about 45 minutes down the road from my parents house. Classic Eastwood. He still manages to be more of a badass in his 70s than I will ever be in my lifetime.
3.) The Wrestler
This movie was great. It's not getting enough hype. Aside from the performance of the year (okay maybe it's tied with Sean Penn), the story was great as well. The soundtrack was a pleasant surprise as well, I didn't know anyone but me still lived for 80s hair metal glam rock. Not to mention what I think is the best original song for Bruce Springsteen.
2.) Wall-e

You've all seen it by now I'm sure. Will Disney-Pixar ever make a bad movie? Even Presto, the short film at the beginning, was better than some movies I've seen.
1.) Slumdog Millionaire

What more can I say. If it hasn't made it to a theater near you, give it another week before you decide to drive an hour to the closest theater. It's still expanding and last week opened in 3,000 more theaters. Keep an eye out for this. My pick for best film of the year.
Anyways, the worst movies of 2008 will be posted next. As always, go big or go home.
-M, p, z & shredder
tell 'em what to watch: Trust Me (TNT @ 9 or 10pm.) I've been looking forward to this series premiere for a while. I'm not a huge fan of shows on TNT but I love Tom Cavanagh and the story looks original and like a great replacement for the dreadfully bad Grey's Anatmoy. I think I'm quitting that show.
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