Monday, January 26, 2009

Brooklyn (Hipsters), Stand Up...

For some reason I have a lot of disdain for Brooklyn. People love it. They say it's great and that I'd love it. I have been out there a few times and have never seen anything close to something "I love." In fact, part of the reason that I hate it is because I have yet to find anything there I enjoy. I like to live in neighborhoods that have some sort of atmosphere, whether it's gay like Chelsea or kind of hood like my current area.

I hate that Brooklyn is a haven for hipsters. I've been described as one, but only because I have a lot of the same characteristics. The difference between me and a hipster is that I'm not trying to be hip, I just am. I realized recently that when it comes down to it, these hipsters are all trying to be like kids from Michigan. People in Michigan are not hipsters, they are just people. But hipsters like to wear plaid and drink PBR (though out here it's $4 a can and only $14 for a 30 pack back home), so do I. Hipsters also like to live by parks and appear to be too cool for school, again so do I. I find that my mannerisms and habits and choice of lifestyle is best suited to a life in Michigan or some other state on a Great Lake and for all the effort that these kids put in to be hipsters, they're really just acting like everyone else from Michigan. That said, if they all moved there they would instantly hate it and try and be different in some other way.

I digress. The point I was going to make was that I need to find the part of Brooklyn that Mos Def loves. The part where I can have an apartment with a backyard and a grill. The part where The Hold Steady gets all their angst. Show me these places and I'll think about going there more than 5 times in the past 2 years. I might not hate it so much if it weren't so terrible.

Im out.

-M, p, z & shredder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, hipsters are the worst. I was at a party out here with a bunch of trust-fund hipsters wearing $300 sweaters that made them look like hobos, and they were all drinking Schlitz. I said something about it, and they were like, "Because we're art students, we'll drink whatever's $4 a can." I wanted to fly the entire city of Milwaukee into Portland just to beat some sense into them.
