I love Winter. I also love spring. I love all seasons actually. But I hate the cusp between winter and spring the most. Right now. When it's late February and it's getting a little warmer and the sun is staying up a little later I start to get excited. But it' bittersweet. I love snow and winter and cleaning off my car after a storm. And I also finally started snowboarding and I haven't gotten enough of it yet. But on the other hand, if it was just 20 degrees warmer I could put on a sweater and play golf. I would kill to play golf right now.

It's just the worst in between phase there is. Actually no, the period right before winter also sucks. Essentially for both in between phases there is just a period of time where it's too cold to do fun things outside but not also not snowing so it's nice out. That was one of the only bad things about Michigan. It really does experience every season to the fullest. Every single week is a slow progression into the coming season. New York on the other hand, was 4 distinct seasons including a very short winter. One day it's summer, the next it's fall. No in between days. It's kind of nice.
Of course soon there will be the usual spring preview that Michigan loves so much. One random week in late March or early April where, for no apparent reason, it will be 75 for 2 or 3 days in a row followed by a sudden drop back to the 30s and about 3 more inches of snow. I will never understand that but I love Michigan for that.
Anyways, thats really all I have to say about that. But seriously, Be Kind, Rewind is a must see. Very commercially appealing and much more mainstream than Gondry's earlier films. I personally liked it more than Science of Sleep but not as much as Eternal Sunshine.
Go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Anyone watch the debate last night? Is it just me or does every time Clinton opens her mouth make her less appealing. She has gotten so negative, not just with attacks on Barack but just the whole tone of her campaign, that I can't stand to hear her talk anymore. It's strange that just a few months ago I was on the fence about which one to vote for and now (granted I've put all of my eggs in Obama's basket but still) I almost can't stand Hillary. It's too bad. Not only is she ruining herself in my eyes but she's taking my boy Bill with her. Hopefully she loses on Tuesday and bows out gracefully...
1 comment:
Bow out gracefully? Have you not been paying attention to her? She'd take you out too just to prove a point. Guard your chin homey, HRC is still on the block like Deebo.
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