Just kinda had to post because it was a leap year. There aren't too many things cooler than a leap year. A random day tacked onto the end of February every four years to balance out the calendar. It's kind of ridiculous but still awesome.
I was hoping something very cool would happen today but nothing has transpired thus far and with there being only 7 hours left in the day and the fact that nothing really exciting has happened in the last 4 months or so, I doubt anything cool will happen tonight. But the Pitons are going to pick up former Piston Theo Ratliff from waivers to add to our big men just in case we need him in the finals to foul Tim Duncan.
Anyways, go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - I am not a huge fan of scary movies. I have found that I am more amused than anything and find it hard to find them scary. I think the only movie I have ever been scared of, since the age of 10 or so, has been the original Halloween. It is the best horror movie ever and is a real classic for the genre. But damned if The Orphanage doesn't look scary as all get out...

1 comment:
Yo man, have you seen the Squid and the Whale? I know I'm like five years behind on this one but I really liked it. It held all the emotional weight of an older Wes Anderson film without any of his latest movies' artifice. And (which I'm sure you know because you have nothing better to do than to sit around on IMDB all day) the movie was produced by Anderson. There are also some boob shots.
And have you seen The Host? It looks really great, and it takes a lot for me to watch scary movies, not because I'm a tough guy like you, but because I can't watch them without covering my eyes. But for this one, I'll heed Karl Malone's advice: "Remember, ghosts may be scary, but dey don't bite!"
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