So I have had this burning desire to snowboard since I was a junior in high school. I was 16. I'm currently 25 and have still not gone. There are 2 places to go within 40 minutes of where I went to high school and college and yet somehow every time I want to go, people bail or don't want to join. That coupled with the fact that despite very cold winters with lots of snow, there really aren't too many opportunities to get out and do it here since there are really no hills in 90 percent of the state.

So yesterday I was all set to go. It had been planned. We found a place that was by Grand Rapids that was only 15 dollars to rent a board, lift ticket and a lesson. That's probably the most ridiculous deal ever. So I woke up and the weather said it was -22. I talked a lot of shit about how I didn't care and how I would go anyways but then I stepped outside. It was pretty cold. Then later it went down to -27. It was very cold. And windy. So I didn't go. And still haven't. But mark my words, this sunday I am going come hell or high water.
Also on the lighter side of -27 degree temperatures...My car door was frozen shut. So I went to my passenger side. It too was frozen. So I had to get in the back seat and rearrange the passenger seat so I could get my leg around the stick. It was very ridiculous. I looked extremely silly, but what are you gonna do.
Go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Yes We Can is on my iPod and honestly, when you're lifting, there are few songs that pump you up like this song does. A lot of people go for volume and fast guitars when they lift but I prefer the Fort Minor Remember the Name type of pump up song. Yes We Can will make sure you put up that last rep. Just do it.
pps- You know what song is not so good on a workout mix when you're at the gym with a bunch of dudes and you're not gay? R Kelly - Bump and Grind. Take my word for it.
if you're anything like me--and i know you are because you can never concede a single loss--you're gonna hurt like effing hell after your first day of snowboarding. you're gonna fall down, say fuck this, i'm gonna kill the rest of this hill, then fall down some more until, eight hours later, you're lying down on the hotel floor unable to will your legs into even the shadow of a movement, the mere flicker of a flicker.
you will hurt. there will be blood.
speaking of blood: dave slammed my face in a door today leaving me with a harry potter-esque scar above my left eyebrow. i cannot, CANNOT, wait to go to the bar to show it off. chicks totally dig harry potter scars. oh, and we all went out on friday night and rj drank so much that he threw up before we even got to the bar. orientals...
I agree...you will be in pain.
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