In other news, I'm getting tired of watching people "suffer" through the winter. There seems to be a disconnect between when you are a kid and when you are in college of how to dress for winter. It used to be that you put on 8 layers, then snow pants, boots, gloves, a hat, a scarf and an 8 inch thick winter coat to brave the elements of a Michigan winter. Then you get to high school and realize that since you aren't playing in the snow that much anymore that you can just wear a fleece or whatever. And that was okay, you're only exposed to the elements from the time it takes you to walk from your car into the school. But when you get to college things change. When you have to walk 15 or 20 minutes you need to dress like you should. Everyday I drive around and see all these kids trying to look hip with their north face fleece and no hat, or gloves or anything else. They hunch over and keep their head down with their feet shoved into their pockets in an effort to block the wind when all they really need to do is put on a coat.
News flash: A fleece is not a coat. It's an accessory. Sure it keeps you warm. In the fall. When there isn't a wind chill of -9 degrees. When the leaves start to change and the air is crisp. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of fleece "jackets." I have 4 of them actually. They are all wonderful when the weather is above 30 degrees or if I'm just going to Meijers. But if i see another person walking to class looking like they are gonna cry, shivering their balls off, I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna strangle them with a scarf actually. I don't understand. When I go out I pretty much dress like I did when I was 6 and I'm toasty. I could play in the snow for hours and not be cold at all. My point is, if you live in a place where it snows, you need to wear a winter coat. Or get pneumonia. And die. Slowly.
Anyways, I didn't really have anything else to say but felt I needed to mention something. Go big and stuff...
-m, p, z & shredder
oh ps - my brother's birthday today so if you see him tell him he's old.
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