The movies listed above are already out, but the reason I wanted to blog was because of a movie (or a couple) coming out this weekend that are must sees for me and should be added to your list as well. The first is one that I've been waiting for for a long time so naturally I assume it won't open anywhere near Lansing. It's Michel Gondry's new film, "Be Kind, Rewind." (starring my boys Jack Black and Mos Def) Now I don't throw the word genius around too much but to me this guy is just that. I can't even begin to understand how his brain works and how one person can visualize something so complex and make it not complex and wholly engrossing at the same time. For those who don't know, he wrote and directed other amazing movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Science of Sleep. He is pretty much where it's at. This is supposed to be his most commercial of his movies which is both awesome and scary at the same time. Awesome because it might be completely hilarious, but scary because it might get away from his brilliant filmmaking and turn into something lame that people who enjoy "2 and a Half Men" would enjoy. I'm hoping for the former. Go see it.

Also coming out is Charlie Bartlett. Not sure of the talent of the writer or the director but from the previews it seems to be a pretty safe bet that the movie will be good. Anyways, if you fancy a movie this weekend go see either of these two. They should be safe choices if you are looking for something really good. Aside from that there are an ass ton of movies coming out this spring/summer/fall that you need to know about so I will do a movie schedule later this week.
Go big and what not.
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - you know what sucks? when you're at the gym and the guy next to you smells and you're like wtf? But then you realize that it's actually you that smells but you're like whatever. That happened to me today but it wasn't my problem so I didn't really care...
1 comment:
Supposedly scenes from Jumper were filmed in Gallup Park. No shit. Thank you, Wikipedia.
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