Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Recap...

So the Oscars weren't really all that special last night. Not a whole lot happened. The red carpet was semi-lame because E! only covered it from 6-7 instead of 6-8 like they usually do. I would much rather have Ryan Seacrest interview people than Regis and two random chicks. ABC sucks at red carpet. They make it so serious and awkward. Also making it lame was the rain. People weren't all that excited and it seemed kind of like a low key event instead of what it usually is. There was a hilarious moment with Laura Linney, Jennifer Garner (definitely best dressed) and Gary Busey that was just ridiculous.

Anyways, I was right about a few of my predictions. I can't believe transformers lost on sound and special effects. Especially to a shitty movie like Bourne Ultimatum (which I just blasted again over on Ibodera). I understand the stigma attached to Michael Bay but that movie had fantastic special effects. I mean the Transformers actually looked real. How can an obviously CGI polar bear (Golden Compass) win over Optimus f-ing Prime? It doesn't make sense.

Usually I would do a best dressed but this year seemed so lame that I will just say the Jennifer Garner won. She looked amazing and I don't even think she's all that attractive. She was last night though. Ever since 13 Going on 30, she has been moving up in my book.

Go big and stuff...

-M, p, z & shredder

oh ps - also loved Marion Cotillard. Best acceptance speech of the night by far. And she's pretty snazzy looking.

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