Wednesday, March 03, 2010

A Good Night's Sleep...

Monday morning marked the first night in a very long time that I slept through the night and didn't have a bad dream. I'm not sure what my deal is lately but for the last 5 or 6 weeks, I haven't been sleeping well. I go to bed early, but then wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep, or I have a scary dream and it'll take me a while to get settled again. Take last night for example, I went bed around 10:30, fell asleep relatively quick then had a dream that Other Guy and I were looking at special edition Halo controllers at this video game store (yes, even in my dreams I'm a nerd) and on our way out of the store these two guys followed us into the parking lot and mugged me while my brother ran inside to get help. Then this guy picked me up high in the air and threw me into the ground. I ended up waking up as I was body slammed at 4:30am and couldn't fall back asleep forever.

My question is this: what can I do to get a more peaceful rest? It can't be video games influencing my dreams, because I've been playing them my whole life and specifically playing pretty much only Halo since 2004. I thought maybe it's my diet, but I generally try and eat very health concious (no salt, no fried foods, no saturated deliciousness) but Sunday I had all those things, chips, (3!) ice cream sandwiches, waffles, sour patch kids, fried chicken and somehow got the only quality sleep I've had in months.

I'm hoping that once the weather gets nicer, so will my dreams but until then any advice anyone has would be awesome. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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