Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Ghostbusters 3...

This movie has been in the pipeline for about 20 years. I posted a while back that they started working on a new script and that everyone had agreed to return and I just wanted to weigh in on a couple things and get my two cents in before anything is actually official. Usually I'm excited for any new movie in a much loved franchise i.e. Fast and Furious, G.I. Joe, The A-Team, Star Trek, Transformers, TMNT and lately the list goes on and on. However, I'm cautious about this one. The first Ghostbusters is a classic. An absolute classic. Getting those actors at that time and doing that movie was like everything clicked at the right time and it was magical. The second one was hilarious but not nearly as good as the first. I don't quite yet know how I feel. I posted a little while back that Bill Murray said he would do it if they killed him off (confirmed again on Letterman) and he played the rest as a ghost and people really seemed to like that idea but I kind of hated it. I think it need to be the original cast and it needs to be perfect if they do a new one.

The main theory floating around the interwebs right now is that it'll be the old guys coming out of retirement but they are sort of mentors to a new crew which would most likely suck unless done right. My fear is that they get Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill to be in it and it'll turn into something completely different than it is. Bill Muray is Dr. Peter Venkman and there's no way you can do a movie without him in a starring role. Anyway, I hope that if this happens they do everything right and so far, it seems like they have (Ivan Reitman is set to direct again with Akroyd and Ramis returning as well and I can only assume Ernie Hudson will be back as Winston).

Let's hope this either doesn't happen or happens perfectly. Anyone remember Indiana Jones 4? Yeah, me neither...

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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