Monday, November 16, 2009

Blind Date...

Live blogging from a blind or date...

So I'm sitting in my new favorite tea hang-out (I don't drink coffee but I like the ambiance of a coffee shop) applying to jobs and a guy, who looks about 40 and kind of strange, sat at the table next to me. He didn't have a drink and was just looking around so he was only mildly weird. Then, about 3 minutes ago, he sees a woman and calls her name questioningly. He got up to give her a hug so I assumed it was someone who he knew, and he says how are you. She says good and then they sit down. While he is sitting he says, "it's nice to meet you," and this is when I stopped what I was doing and started spying.

This woman, Uba (from the sound of it), does not speak very good English. She's about the same age as the guy and her hair is slightly frazzled - she might be Russian. She seems nice but is clearly nervous. She keeps mumbling and I can hardly hear her even though she is literally 2 feet away from me. This guy is odd, but you can tell he's done this before. He has to repeat himself several times every time he says something and it's getting hilarious. Now he is asking if she is hungry. Haha. She says yes only he can't hear her so he asks again. Oh I guess this is going to be a short post, they are going to go across the street and get dinner. By the way, this dude is wearing a sweatshirt. On a first date. Come on guy. This is clearly not where the magic happens...

These blind daters or internet daters are brave people. There's a scene in The Office (the good one) where Ricky Gervais is doing the internet dating thing and has some hilarious encounters, but mostly extremely awkward conversations. I can't think of any situation where there is more pressure to be awesome. I hope the date goes well but the start was awkward enough to make me want to follow them to dinner go home.

Anyway, if you're one of these brave souls, my hats off to you. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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