Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl Sunday...

The Superbowl has come to mean less and less to me. In high school it was really the only game when guys get together and hang out to watch football. But as college rolled around and you could hang out whenever you wanted, it became less about watching football and more about getting a keg. Now, at 26, I'm much more interested in a few movie teaser trailers (including G.I. Joe and Transformers 2) than I am about the game. I really enjoy watching football. There's nothing I'd rather do on the weekend than watch MSU football on Saturday and the Lions on Sunday. But, as with every other sport besides basketball, if it's not a team I care about I'm not watching the game. I am rooting for the Cards but I've always liked the Steelers and could honestly care less who wins.

The real game that's important to me today is the Pistons/Cavs game. I've been looking forward to this one for a while and will be much more excited to see this than the football game. Anyways, today is day 1 of 28 straight blogs this month. I was reading a friends blog the other day that reminded me of how my blog used to be and I wanted to try and get back to that. I used to write things about my life and come up with some introspection that hopefully people though was somewhat interesting, and I'd like to get back to that. However, it might not be able to happen this month with so many blogs. But as I'm at a turning point in my life, I think it's only wise to write down some of those thoughts and feelings about this period. So I'll try and be a little more insightful in the coming year.

Go big or go home..

-M, p, z & shredder

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