So what's the good news in all of this? Well in his search for a new nominee he is looking at democrat governors of states that run Medicare programs. This is good news for fans of Michigan because it puts Gov. Granholm on the short list. Now I doubt she'll be chosen but if she is, that would free up a spot for someone new to come in and take over. A Democrat with a new vision for Michigan and one that doesn't involve her. Now I don't ate Granholm, but she has pretty much blundered her way through her entire reign of power. She was much to demanding and imposing on any and all auto manufacturers that ended up leaving Michigan and heading down south where they could get tax concessions and as a result, she has Michigan as the state with the highest unemployment rate in the country. I think she's a smart lady with a lot of ambition and desire but I don't think she understands the economy.

"Granholm’s first term was a time when most of the nation recovered from the 2001 recession—but not Michigan. In her first year she faced a $3 billion shortfall in a $39 billion budget. She set to work cutting spending: her first budget cut aid to universities and cities, sold 2,500 state cars, rescinded $220 million in contracts and adult education by 70% and arts spending 50%." We need someone who is going to get Michigan over the one industry status that we have and diversify. She needs to stop cutting school funding and give people incentives to move to Michigan. I have said it many times, and when I run for office it will be my platform, but I think the key to Michigan is going green. Industry, infrastructure, jobs, everything can get back up with some money and some forward thinking.
Anyway, that's my two cents on the situation. Go big or go home...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - I'm hoping to go on a trip to Europe this summer and I'm dying to go to Greece. I just saw this house for sale in the times... Anyone wanna go in with me on buying it? They're asking for 1.2 mil but I'm sure we can sweet talk them into at least 1.1...

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