Are you f-ing serious. This story is too much. This 5 year old kid shot and killed a bear. Now, I'm okay with hunting (not exactly hunting but hunters who generally have a good concept of wildlife conservation not to mention land preservation) but this is insane.
First of all five year olds shouldn't be wielding guns. This dude gave his 5 YEAR OLD a loaded shotgun. That's unacceptable. Even worse is that the kids dad started to teach him to shoot when he was 2 1/2 years old! Seriously? He killed 3 deer last year when he was 4. I understand that he's a descendant of Davy Crockett but WTF. This is yet another reason I think the 2nd Amendment needs to be modified. They should probably ask people if they intend to let their 5 year old use the gun they are buying.
This story rules on some levels though. Mostly the southern vernacular.
"It came from the thicket and it was beside the road and I shot it." It sucks how jealous I am that this kid gets to use the word 'thicket'.
"'Paw-paw I squeezed the trigger and I didn't close my eyes. I killed him." Paw-paw. Possibly the greatest word in print.
I'm out. Don't forget to give a loaded gun to a 5 year old. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Go big or go home. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it. Life's short, live large.
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Some of you may have heard that they are only doing one more upgrade/repair to the Hubble Telescope / Space Station and then are never going back. It is going to keep taking awesome pictures for like 10 more years and then it's just gonna hang out in orbit for the rest of eternity. Isn't it bad enough that we can't keep our cities clean? Now we have to leave our trash in orbit as well?

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