Sorry for going AWOL for a bit. I'd like to say that my recent hiatus from blogging was due to me globe trotting but unfortunately my life has been pretty boring lately and I've just had nothing to talk about. Nothing has been upsetting me or making me want to speak out really but I figure I need to write something or people will turn elsewhere to cure their boredom.
I love christmas. It's not my favorite holiday (Thanksgiving is) but it's still pretty awesome. I love the snow and the idea of christmas (essentially turkey day with presents), I love the 'holiday spirit' and even christmas music. But I hate the other side of it also. The thing that keeps it from being the best day of the year is all the ridiculous buildup to it. All the shopping and worrying about what to get people and traffic and crowded malls. It's pretty crazy. Now I don't personally have a lot of people to shop for which is good and I'm also not one to get stressed out, especially with something as silly as shopping, but everyone else being stressed out and over caffinated people pushing their way through lines is not my idea of a good time.

It really takes all the fun out of the holiday when all people care about is their obligation to buy things for other people. It's kind of ridiculous. The whole point of the holiday is to hang out with people and have a good time, drink some hot chocolate and not worry about stuff. People don't really care what you buy them and if you feel obligated you probably shouldn't be buying them anything at all. You should give because you want to, not because you have to. And if you don't want to, good for you. The roads could do without you on them.
The only thing worse than waiting in line at a store to pay for something is waiting in line in your car for some asshole to park close to the store because apparently their legs are broken and they can't walk an extra 30 feet. One thing I love about NYC was that people walk everywhere. I had to carry my groceries 5 blocks to my apartment and you can't park 30 feet from the door when you are gonna bring your cart outside anyways? Seriously? Stop being such a fat lazy middle american and use your legs.
Anyways, that's all for now. More later. I've got a lot of lists and things to talk about before I take off for DC for new years with the boys from Ibodera. As always, go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Will Smith is probably one of the few actors who could carry a movie literally by themselves. I love him. And Tom Hanks of course. Lots of movies out now and coming soon, support the industry. Holiday
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