Friday, April 02, 2010

One and a Half Men?...

Great news today! Rumors are swirling that Charlie Sheen wants off the worst show in the history of television. Many of you know my deep seeded and quite sincere complete hatred of Two and a Half Men, and if this rumor is true, the show would be over. Finally. I've gone over it many many times before and will spare you a rant, but it's truly the worst show in the history of anything. I'd rather listen to Sarah Palin. Seriously. I don't know if any of you have ever dared watch more than a minute of it, but if you have you understand. It's the worst acting, writing and 'talent' ever assembled in one show.

I have been hoping that Sheen's rampant drug use, rehab, charges of domestic violence and drunk driving would be enough for CBS to fire him, but that would be asking too much from the network that renewed another season of The Mentalist (burn!). Somehow though, it remains the highest rated sitcom on televsion which honestly makes me question whether anything I write will ever stand a chance if this is what people want to see.

Anyway, my fingers are crossed that this all ends up ending the show and I never have to hear about this show for the rest of my life. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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