Thursday, May 14, 2009

Observations From 30 Rock...

So I'm sitting here just killing time before I have to go to work and people watching in Rockafeller Center and I realized I haven't just sat and watched people be weird in forever.

1) First of all the iPhone has a "hands free" microphone built into the headphones which is a great idea but unfortunately for me and every other sucker with an iPhone, you have to hold the microphone up to your mouth if you want people to hear you , which kind of negates any benefit it might have had. I've just watched three people walk by holding the mic up to their mouths and say, "can you hear me now?"

2) Asian tourists are every bit as stereotypical as they are made out to be. Roving around in groups larger than a football team, equipped with large fancy cameras and laughing at everything and taking their pictures in front of seemingly ordinary things like a J Crew. Who knows, maybe J Crew is famous in Asia? They're also walking around with headphones on looking around as if they're listening to a guided tour, which I'm sure they are, I just have no idea where they got these things from and what tour of the outdoors they could possibly be on.

3) The old white lady sitting on the bench next to me keeps giving me dirty glances. When it's old white people I always wonder if the look is for me being a wayward youth or because I'm brown or possibly a combination of both. Or maybe she is a republican and can't stand my Obama shirt that I'm baracking right now. Either way she's really good at the evil eye.

4) I don't understand people who don't listen to music when they walk around this city. I can't walk downstairs without a soundtrack and these people are going the whole day just walking around with the sound of their thoughts the only thing they listen to. Does that make me crazy or them? I'm going with them.

Anyways I guess I'm off to work. As always, go big or go home. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.

- M, p, z & shredder

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