I don't know about you guys, but I like to watch something before I got to bed. Usually I'll watch a movie, if I can start it so it ends before midnight, but if not I'll watch a couple episodes of something I have on dvd. Lately, I've been watching the X-Files before I go to bed and usually it's nothing scary so it isn't really a big deal, but last night, I watched an episode that was all about these swarms of cockroaches that were killing people. It's funny that I can watch this show and not be scared by murderers or aliens or government conspiracies, but the second you put a bug on the screen, I start freaking out.

I'm not sure what it is exactly that is so scary about bugs. I mean up here in the north part of North America, there aren't even any bugs that can kill you and most of them won't even bite you. We have no killer spiders, no killer bees, no killer anything, but for some reason, to this day, I run from bees and get the willies from cockroaches. The only thing I don't mind are small spiders because I actually think they are pretty cool and might be the only bug that I'll hold. So what is it about bugs that freaks people out? Is it the way they look? Is it the way they are presented in the media? Is it the way they move? Whatever it is, it's ridiculous. Aside from an incident with army ants when I was 7, I have never had any reason to fear bugs. I've never been stung by a bee and aside from a few spider bites, I've never been bitten by anything more than a mosquito.

Whatever the reason for my fear is, it's probably justified. I mean just look at them. They're f*cking scary. The whole lot of them. There is no close-up picture of a bug that is cute. They're all crazy and maniacal looking. Like they are plotting how best to turn me into a "host body" and take over the world from inside my head.
Perhaps the scariest, most menacing of them all...

Gross. I'm out. As always, go big or go home.
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - here's a pic to make you laugh:

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