I had my first psychic reading on Friday, and while I don't agree with most of what she said, I am hoping a few of the things are right. Anyway, here's the gist of what she told me (keep in mind I only opted for the single palm reading as opposed to my friend who got the double palm/face reading which was clearly more accurate):
I'm going to live to be 96. I'm very passionate when it comes to love and I'm going to be engaged twice but only married once. The girl I like right now also likes me but it isn't going to work out because the timing isn't right at the moment. I'm going to move to Florida in two years. I'm also going to change my career path to law in the same year. April 2010 is going to be an incredible month for me. October 2009 is going to be very good for my career. I'm going to have someone in my life named Lou or Louis who is important to me but is very jealous of me. My lucky day is Wednesday and apparently something good will happen to me every Wednesday, but I'm not sure how long that will last.
So that's pretty much it. Here are my views on what she told me... 96 years old?! She obviously didn't do a medical history or she would have found rampant heart disease on my dad's side and diabetes on my mom's side. Obviously I'm very passionate about love, look at me, I'm a stud. That sucks about the girl I like - I was hoping for better news. I definitely won't be engaged twice because if the first one falls through, my mom will kill me. I hate Florida and would never want to move there unless Tiger Woods told me he'd be my golfing buddy. I doubt very much that I'll get back into law. My LSAT scores expired and I'm not going through that study regiment again. I can't say much about Lou because I don't know one (yet) and I can't speak about anything else in the future, but I will let you know how Wednesday turns out. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'm out. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - our psychic looked exactly like the girl in the picture, only without any of the same clothes and instead of a crystal ball she was holding her baby. Seriously. And instead of beig in a mystic place, we were in the front room of her lower east side apartment. And her daughter was running around in diapers, watching spongebob is the strangest way possible. She would get close and then slowly walk backwards without taking her eyes off that yellow sponge guy until she was a good twenty feet away from the tv. Kids are so unique.
Don't forget the daughter would grab her junk in a very territorial way. (I was convinced it was a small man in diapers, guess I was wrong) Don't worry you'll warm up to Florida, and there was this guy named that kept pestering me about you and how he is your real father or something, and then he got really mad when I told him how good looking you were. Not sure how it is connected but thought I should tell you.
P.s. Thank you for your wonderful comments, mine kind of suck compared to yours... Sorry
*named Lou. dammit
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