The last couple of weeks has been interesting. Eye opening maybe. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life and questioning what I'm doing in my life. Could be headed for a big change soon but since I don't know yet, I'll leave it at that. Should decide within the next week or so whether or not I actually want to stay in LA though and if this city is really all it's cracked up to be. Now I would say no, it's not. I'd like to move but we'll see what happens. One never knows where life will lead...
On to less cryptic talk... There are a lot of new shows on the boob tube these days and while I don't have cable at the moment I will comment on what to watch. A top 5 I guess. First of all this is just for shows that I watch or deem worthy of being watched. This does not include shows that are currently not on such as Psych (my favorite show on tv), Monk, Entourage or Pistons basketball which as we all know is always the greatest thing to watch on tv or in person. First I'd like to talk about a couple of shows that didn't make the cut but are worth mentioning. I know there has been a lot of negative reviews about it but if you haven't seen "Cavemen" then you should check it out. I'm not a fan of sitcoms. There is an abundance of terrible shows without a comedian that just aren't funny. The fact that Two and a Half Men is still the top rated sitcom boggles my mind. It is the worst show ever. It has a laugh track for god's sake. Cavemen actually isn't half bad though. It spends a little too much time setting up jokes that don't always work, but usually the dialogue isn't half bad and actually pretty funny. Also Carpoolers isn't bad. ABC has both these shows on tuesday between 8 and 9. Carpoolers isn't as funny as Cavemen and will probably get cancelled but there are some great conversations that the 4 main characters have. It's more of a guy show than anything and worth a look if you're bored on tuesday at 8:30. Catch it before it's gone.
This is a pretty close contest actually. The top three shows are all really good and the last two are good but I don't hold my breath waiting for them. Funny that all of my top 5 are on two networks, 3 on NBC and 2 on ABC. It says something about the qaulity of shows people like (2 and a half men, other bad sitcoms and dramas) are on CBS which is the number 1 rated network. I don't understand people sometimes. This is why Bush is still in office.
At number 5 is Grey's Anatomy. How the mighty have fallen. It isn't exactly the show it used to be. It's starting to get what I call "ER Syndrome." What happens is that shows that have great chemistry with the characters make us care about what happens to them and as a result, writers make these crazy freak accidents like train wrecks or plane crashes or drownings to make a really dramatic "can't miss" episode. ER took this to the extreme and kept on having all these insane accidents which is why I stopped watching. Grey's is doing it not with accidents but with story lines for characters and it's getting old. Every week something insane happens that just doesn't work for the show and it is taking away all that I used to like about it.
At number 4 is Heroes. Still a really good show but needs to do a little more than last year to keep me waiting for the next episode like last year. It's hard to match because last year it was so original, but now that there are established characters it's slowing down a little bit. It is early still and is setting up the season so I am giving it a little slack and time. Still a really good show and definitely worth watching if you have the time Monday night.

At number 3 is Chuck. A new show on NBC that comes on right before Heroes. It's about a Geek Squad type guy who got zapped or something (I missed the Pilot) by some super computer and downloaded all this super computer info into his brain and now helps out a super hot chick spy and her partner. It is actually funny and well paced and the characters are enjoyable. I find myself growing attached to each of them and I like where it's going. Not saying it is some deep drama, but there is definitely more depth to it and the characters than the light fluffy show it would come off as. Check it out, it's worth it.

At number 2 is the not so surprise hit Pushing Daisies. It's on ABC on wed at 8 and it's fantastic. It's created by the same guy who brought you Heroes and Produced by the same imagination that brought us Men in Black and Lemony Snickets and a bunch of other fantastical stories based in reality. It's really well written and acted and fun to watch. It's pretty original and the characters are all fun to watch. If you haven't watched it do yourself a favor and check it out. You can watch all the eps online at abc.com and you won't regret it.

At number 1 is NBC's Friday Night Lights. Picking up where it left off last season as number 1, it is definitely worth your time. It moved to friday night at 8 which will probably mean it's ratings will drop and it will be one of those amazing shows that gets cancelled for no reason other than people would rather watch Charlie Sheen and some pudgy kid make terrible jokes that a laugh track is even hesitant to laugh at. It's acting is still awesome and the story lines, except for one new ridiculous one (that is getting less ridiculous) are great. It may be spreaing itself too thin at the moment because all of the characters are going through their own drama, but it keeps me in on a Friday night which is pretty easy since I have no friends.
Anyways, that's all I feel like doing right now. I'd talk about some movies but to be honest I haven't been watching as many as I used to in NY. LA is a drag so far so if I talked you into moving out here, hang on to that thought because I might not be here for long. Headed down to surf again this weekend which should be awesome so I might not get to blog again til Sunday. If not, keep your ear to the grindstone and all that stuff. yadda yadda yadda.
-M, p,z & shredder
oh ps - lots of new albums out as well. I haven't been able to keep up but if you have heard anything good, let me know or burn me a copy.
pps - Forgot to mention but definitely my guilty pleasure this season: Gossip Girl. It's on the CW at 9 on wed. It's f-ing ridiculous. Most of it doesn't make sense and boggles my mind and of course all the highschool kids look to be around their early 20s but it seems the creators of the OC have done it again. Not as electric as the oc but def all the drama and then some.
1 comment:
You're so right about Gossip Girl--I'm kind of obsessed... like Greenhills, but everyone is hot and no one studies. Good luck with the LA decision...
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