Same computer, new engine...
My computer died over the weekend. Without any indication whatsoever, it just died. I was listening to that Fergie song, "Big girls don't cry," and apparently my computer knew better and punished me for it. For real. It just froze and then I turned it off and it never turned back on. The 'Genius' at the Apple store told me that sometimes hard-drives just die. Then he chastized me for not backing up my hard drive which I should have done, but since I did not, I lost about 2600 pictures that I never moved to my external drive. Booo-urns to that. I do have my old hard drive still and can probably recover the data, but it will cost at least $300 which means that it is going to sit in a ziplock bag until I win the lottery.
They say you don't know what you've got til it's gone, but this really sucked. It is one thing if my phone breaks or my ipod or whatever, but my computer is like my best friend, at least in LA it is so far. I use my computer more than most people, I'm on it for regular use: email, blogs, pistons news etc, but I also use it a ton for film editing and photo stuff. I generally use my computer as much as most people watch tv, and then I still use it while I watch tv so total, at least 6 hours a day. Anyways, when it died I realized how important to my life it is right now. I have no job, no apartment and no friends and this was my tool to finding all three of those. Not only that it was my tool for keeping in touch with the friends I do have that are 2500 miles away. There are only a few people I can talk to on the phone for extended periods of time so email and little messages here and there along with blogs is my preferred method of staying in touch. My point is, I had taken it for granted before but now I am going to give my computer all the adulation it deserves, starting with a name. I decided that all my pet's names will be video game characters (peach, zelda) so since I already named my car Leonardo, I am going to have a vehicle/technologies TMNT theme going. So my new improved Macbook with almost twice the hard-drive space is, "The Shredder" or just "Shredder." It's looks too bad ass to be nice, hence the evil side.

Now that I have completely soldified myself as an idiot, on to other things... I went to see this apartment last week and this guy gets out of his car and after I say, 'Hello,' the first thing he says to me is, "Are you a curry cooker?" After a brief thought that it was the most roundabout way of being racist that I've ever heard, I thought I would take his words literally. So I tell him that, "yes, in fact I do cook curry." He then shakes his head and replies, "we had an Indian couple live here before and she cooked curry all day and the hallways smelled [probably delicious I thought] and that when they moved out we had to change the carpet twice to get rid of the smell." I proceeded to tell him that I am not an Indian wife and I do not have time (even though I do right now) to cook curry all day. He didn't believe me and pretty much told me that aside from that it would be too much of a pain in the ass for him to have my parents co-sign a lease with them being in Michigan, and that in the week it took to get all the paperwork together the apartment would probably be gone. It is still available.
So I have unsuccessfully applied for a few jobs that I really want and also for a few jobs that I don't really want. Hopefully I hear back from somebody soon because I need to start having interactions with real people, as you probably guessed from my torrid love affair with Shredder. In most places they would call me a loser but since I am in cali and now a surfer you can refer to me as a surf-bum.
As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it. Life's short, live large.
-M, p,z & shredder
oh ps - I have refrained from talking about the Darjeeling Limited for about a week now because I am trying to figure out my feelings. Worst Wes Anderson movie ever? Yes. Bad movie? I'm thinking. My standards might be too high for him. I know what you're thinking, "his standards are high? He saw dragon wars! He has no standards!" Well indeed I have no standards for most movies but for my film sensei, I expect nothing but perfection.
1 comment:
you could probably make a case for a law-suit against that guy for racial discrimination. dtn made us take an entire seminar on what we can and cannot say to people about their race and to this day i still lower my voice a little when i just use the word black.
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