So this was an interesting last few days I guess. I wasn't getting any jobs in production or even in a production office for the last couple weeks so I decided it was time to get a job and make some money. I took a job as a telemarketer (one that only calls businesses and not people's homes so it was only slightly excuciating). That lasted all of one day. I went in on Tuesday and met with the site manager and he told me to come back for training the next day. The pay was $10 and hour plus commisions and he said most people averaged about $600 a week which isn't too bad seeing how I was making $0. So I went in on Wed and somewhere around noon I realized that I was taking a step back in life. This lady who was training us kept talking about making our dreams come true and doing all you can to realize those dreams, and I realized that my dream wasn't to call businesses 8 hours a day. No, I moved to Hollywood with no money, no friends and no job for a dream. A dream to be a Director. I could care less if I'm famous or not or if I make a lot of money, but I do want to be happy with what I'm doing in life.
During our lunch break I made the decision that not only was I not coming back to work the next day but also that my stomach was really going to hate me for filling it with a Grilled Stuft Chicken Burrito (Taco Bell was the only place around and only the second time I have been there all year). So I finished out the day content in the fact that I would not return but not content in the fact that I had to make calls for a couple hours. I felt really bad quitting so I didn't tell anyone until the next morning when I called and explained myself to one of the nicest bosses in the world who told me to "not foget my days in the boiler room and to remember him when I get famous." It actually was a boiler room. It was a brand new location for this company and the tile floors were cracked and coming apart and the office is shared with two other companies on the floor.
The point of this story is that in my previous 25 years of life I have always just gone with the flow. Taken what's been given. Sure I had to work for things and apply for things and be proactive in my life, but now it seems that isn't enough. But never has it been the case when me just wanting something doesn't make it happen. I don't like asking for help, and have really never been one to make my problems others, but I have realized over the last couple of days that I will go nowehre unless I get help. A girl I went to highschool with lives out here so I reached out to her despite the fact that we were'nt really friends before (and by that I mean pretty much mortal enemies) and fortunately for me she is now the nicest girl in the entire world and has gone out of her way to help me. Anyways, I have my first job tomorrow, it's only one day but it's a start and hopefully I meet some people who can help me out some more and give me a shot at doing something I love. I had to give up an awesome day of surfing in San Diego and watching my Spartans kick some Buckeye ass, but it's a small price to see my name on a call sheet for a real production. The best part is that I get paid. I would do this for free. It's kind of cool getting paid for something you love to do. "Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it."
Anyways, more after my day of work. Blah blah blah...
-M, p,z & shredder
oh ps - lots of movies and shows to review. to come very soon. sunday maybe. GO STATE!!
so proud!
Last week's episode of The Office was about telemarketing, which you'd know if you watched it.
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