So I had my first job in the industry on Saturday and I must say it was awesome. I had so much fun. I was expecting to be bossed around to no end by people who had short tempers and loved to yell, but instead it was a very calm fun set to be on. It was for a show on cable (not mentioning the network name b/c I'm not sure if I'm allowed to) and it was pretty awesome. I signed a lot of papers, one of those may have been a non-disclosure agreement which would mean I can't say anything about the show specifically so I will refrain from talking about it extensively. But I will say that I am in it a couple times. It's a reality type show and I'm in it as myself for two quick scenes. So if you saw me on the Tyra show last week look for me on this show which I will name in the near future after I find out if I am allowed to or not. There was a 'challenge' on the show however, which I was a stand in for during run throughs and I must say it was pretty hard. We were on the 18th floor of a building and we had to run down the stairs to the 10th, then back up to the 18th, then carry 2 (heavy) dummies down the hallway to another flight of stairs where we had 5 minutes to get to the roof which was essentially the 31st floor. I made it in 4:50 and I was struggling. Anyways, all in all it was really really fun and I met a lot of nice people and one of those people I met got me a job intervie with her boss tomorrow. I'm sooo glad I quit that telemarketing job...

Also I'm not sure how many have you heard but over the weekend ( JK Rowling told the press that Prof. Dumbledore was gay. And that he was in fact in love with Gellert Grindelwald, whom we all know he successfully dueled later in life. It's pretty awesome if you ask me. Extreme Christians have had a long battle with Harry Potter and I remember when I first started reading the books back in highschool that they believed Rowling was just trying to recruit people into Wicca. Now they believe she is a rebel rouser and claiming that she is trying to make people be Anti-Christian. JK Rowling is awesome, and the fact that she makes these people so mad makes me lover her even more. Hopefully there will be an 8th book about Dumbledore's days with Grindelwald.
That's all for now. I actually started this blog out as a review of new tv shows but that'll have to wait for next time. I'm not one to call out other bloggers but hopefully someone, Brown Guy I'm looking at you, updates his blog soon because there's nothing worse than starting a blog, getting people into it and then quitting (yeah right Muki).
I'm out
-M, p,z & shredder
oh ps - I'm sad MSU lost saturday but glad I didn't watch, I had a much better time working. Good things came from that game though: we played the number 1 team in the country and only lost by one TD, they usually only allow less than 7pts and we scored 17 and it was at OSU. We have a big game this week and then next saturday when Mich comes to town hopefully we can handle our business. Go state.
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