Thursday, October 28, 2010

Charlie Sheen...

As Mark Twain thoughtfully pointed out to me, I forgot to mention something that I love bringing up. Charlie Sheen threw another log on my hate fire yesterday as he was once again the subject of being a terrible human being and a plight on the universe, and yet again, he gets away without even a slap on the wrist. For those who haven't heard, he once again wound up drunk and high off of cocaine. This time he trashed his room at the Plaza Hotel and some reports have him being naked and alone (like an asshole) when the cops came to his room. Apparently the hotel isn't pressing charges which is a shame.

On the plus side, he's still technically on probation from his last domestic abuse charge (when he held a knife to his wife's throat - on Christmas - and didn't go to jail) and I'm hoping a judge will see him being drunk and coked out as some sort of violation of his probation. If there's Vegas odds on this, I'm banking on this fucker not going to jail. Why do people like him? How can he keep getting away with this? It's not right. Lindsay Lohan, no saint herself, has done far less in her life and been far less reckless and endangered far fewer people, yet somehow has gone to jail for every little thing she does. And at least she's a talented actress who, once upon a time, was smoking hot.

I just don't get it. Mostly I don't get why anyone likes him, the worst show in the history of television, and his dumb haircut. He needs to overdose, but not so he dies, just so he can't walk anymore or something equally terrible. Either that or have an Agent come in from the Matrix and cover his mouth permanently.

Erase the hate. I'm out. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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