Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Is it just me or did milk used to stay good a lot longer. It seems like every time I go to my fridge to finish off the milk a day before the expiration date, it's not good anymore. I do the quick smell check and it's rancid. And this is before the actual expiration date! They should just stop lying to people. I say this because last week I was craving cereal and my milk went bad. The day before. Today? I went to make a protein shake (GTL in effect) and it was already bad. 2 days before! I'm considering filing a grievance with someone. Hey lawyers, do I have a case? What if I drink it and then get sick? Does my case get stronger?

Anyway, I just wanted to see if it was just me or if this was happening to everyone out there. I guess there really is no use crying over spilled spoiled milk. Go big or go home. 

-M, p, z & shredder


yooper1019 said...

I read a long time ago that truck drivers that own their own trucks and pay for their own gas have started to raise the temp in the refrigerated storage to lower gas costs which in turn makes milk spoil faster


No it is not just you. The companies are scamming consumers out of their money and health. The nutrients that suppose to be in the milk are lower than what the label on the box/carton says. Check this out