Thursday, September 09, 2010

Thusday Two Three...

I'll get to Part II-IV soon, but first I just had a few thoughts I wanted to share.


Denard Robinson looks legit. I don't know if any of you watched the Michigan game or saw highlights, but he looks like a little Michael Vick running around out there (without the obvious canine affiliations). That said, they beat Connecticut, can we slow down the "Michigan is back" rhetoric. Not that State beat anyone good, but people aren't going crazy over how good Cousins is even though he had a great game. People are going nuts over D-Rob when really, it's only been one game over the school with the best Women's Basketball program in the country. Let's maybe wait until they beat a not very sharp looking Notre Dame team this weekend before we start moving them up in the rankings.


I'm sure you've all seen these new Blackberry commercials where someone is talking about how they can instantly send messages to other people through BBM. Then they have a story about how some guy saw something and took a picture and was instantly sharing it with his friends. Is it just me or does it seem like they're promoting texting. Like they just invented it. Oh my god, they can send pictures in texts?!! Stop the presses! It's kind of like the "I'm a PC," campaign which is pretty stupid.


Saw this video and nearly died laughing. It's one of those things you keep watching over and over because it honestly get funnier every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still not sure why you intrigue me the way you do. I have never met you or do I really know you that well. But I am sure that would never happen either