Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keep On Truckin'...

You know what's strange? The fact that people jump in front of huge semis on the freeway or in the city with no regard for the fact that the semi could run them over in a second and not even feel it. When did people decide that every truck they cut in front of is a gentle giant. Who decided that the right way to merge was speed ahead to the first truck and then jump in right in front of him?

As I was driving back to Chicago from Michigan today, I decided to take I-90, which is a toll road, because 94 has been heinous with all the construction. While sitting at one of the three toll stops, the huge semi in the lane to my right kept honking his horn. I looked over and noticed that no less than 5 cars jumped right in front of him when he was almost at the toll. A normal person like myself would have been furious about this and I wondered what was stopping this truck from ramming into the last asshole that cut him off. He's a professional driver with deadlines and cargo and a bad back and these assholes just need to get home so they can tivo Two and a Half Men!

I found myself hoping the driver would snap and instead of honking his horn, just roll one of his tires forward and flatten that asshole's BMW into the ground. But he didn't and I paid my toll and drove off. But it did make me wonder why so many people think that there is no danger in cutting off a truck. That's like walking by a bunch of murderers with pistols and fucking with the one with the bazooka because apparently anyone with a gun that big is not going to use it.

Anyway, I'm out. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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