So last week a large group of us went to the Hamptons to celebrate memorial day / dax's (my sort of roommate) birthday. What could be more new york celeb than hangin in the Hamptons? It was actually a lot of fun and not nearly as cost draining as one might think. All you need to do is cram 10 people into a condo and it's only about $100 for the weekend. A few things I learned on the trip: the ocean in may is much much colder than the lake back home, in-expensive is not the same thing as cheap, and lastly - the Hamptons is a glorified small town city anywhere in michigan. Serioulsy you could go to any city on the water in Michigan and find the exact same stores and small town charm only for 1/10 of the price. Take away the porsches, maseratis, ferraris, lamborghinis and aston martins and make it Lake Huron instead of the Atlantic Ocean and you've got Lakeport, MI.
Anyways it was a good time despite not seeing any celebs. We did go in the water and I can say without hesitation that I have never willingly jumped into water so cold in my life. The locals thought we were crazy. The weather was great and there was never a dull moment espescially after we truned our group of 10 into a group of 17. Not quite as fun as boat night back in Port Huron but I did have some really good food...
On monday Maroon 5 had a free concert in the city (unless you consider getting up at 5:45 in the morning to see a band play 3 songs for the today show payment) which was really fun. Back the the grindstone now I suppose. Sorry this blog was boring and more of a 'my life rules' blog than anything else. I'll do better next time.
as always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. go big or go home. pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. carpe diem. your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
i'm out
-M, p & z
oh ps - bill is right this is sweet...
you can actually take a tour of the city from times sqaure to my apartment. just follow 8th ave down to 20th st and you're there. you can even see my window...
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