Thursday, May 10, 2007

Not Quite Done...

M. Knight ain't got nothin on me...

So I finished shooting my thesis last night. Almost. I have to do a couple re-shoots for one scene but other than that I'm done. Well after I finish editing and spending some time doing some voice over in the ADR booth, I'll be donezo. The hard part is done though. I spent so long gearing up for this I'm not sure where to go from here. Aside from writing a few things on my own and a few things with other people, I need to get a job after school is done and figure out what I'mn doing with my life. But that's a different blog for another day. For now I'm just going to post some pics of me directing the shit out of people.

Anyways, more soon.
i'm out

-M, p & z

oh ps - anyone interested in writing something with me? I know there are creative people out there and just because you went into a non-creative field like law or nursing or medecine, doesn't mean your ideas suck. You know where to find me if you're interested. I've written a script through emails before so distance is not an excuse...


Anonymous said...

oy, go watch brick. it's got that kid from third rock in it. shit is very good.

Swami Says said...

I saw it a little while ago. I liked it a lot. We actually watched that in my sound design class, apparently that movie has good sound or something.

Anonymous said...

i wanna write with you marty baby!