Spider-Man 3 was a really good movie. It wasn't as good as 2, or at least I didn't leave with the same feeling as I did with 2. I had read a few reviews that were very non-descript and pretty much said that the movie just kind of rolled along. I didn't really know what they were talking about until I watched the movie. It looked amazing and I love the characters but it just sort of had a clear path of where it was headed. In SM2 I was in suspense and wondering what was going to happen between Doc Oc and SM and it developed their story so well that you get caught up in the moment, but in this movie it just seemed to be all about getting to the end. There are some ridiculously hilarious one liners and everyone did an amazing job. On the other hand I hate Kirsten Dunst and she continued to make me hate her in this movie. There are some really unbearably cheesy parts that I had to look away at so I wouldn't kill myself but the zingers make up for it. The bad ass version of Peter Parker is one of the funniest sequences ever. Overall I think it was just a little too ambitious with too many characters (much like most of my movies) to be able to have any story really get flushed out. For so much to happen to so many people in only 2 hours, things have to get rushed. The movie is definitely worth seeing though. Overall on my rating system I give it a 7.8. It was a good movie but not as good as SM2, which is really one of the best comic book movies ever along with X2 and Batman Begins.
I just realized I haven't given you all an update on most of the movies I've seen lately. I have gotten pretty good at movie hopping and have seen a few that are worth checking out (and some that aren't)...

Hot Fuzz - The creators of Shawn of the Dead score again with this action spoof. The first hour or so is funny but the last 30 mins really make the movie worth seeing. Absolutely hilarious ending with really funny action scenes and a ridiculous plot. I give it an 8. After I saw that I hopped over to In The Land of Women (i know, i'm gay) and it was pretty much how the previews made it look. Adam Brody and Meg Ryan (i thought she was dead) star in this predictably lame chick flick. Some funny parts but overall a pretty lame movie. I give it a 5. I also saw The Lookout recently (I don't remember if i already reviewed this) but it was okay. Not much to mention there, I give it a 5.
Anyways, keep your ear to the grindstone. I'm out. blah blah blah.
-M, p & z
oh ps - looking forward to about a zillion movies this summer. If you remember my review on Pirates of TC 2 last summer then you know there really isn't anything in this world that could make me want to see the third installment, yet I find myself with this desire to see it to the end. I hate previews and more that that, as much as i love them, i hate trilogies. You got my money once and now you are gonna tell me that you're making 2 more movies so you can basically make me pay to see the same movie three times. I hate this industry and I can't wait to join them. If i could make all you people watch my movies and then make you watch it again with very minor plot changes I would be a rich man...that's the plan anyways. sorry for the rant.
pps - I'm so mad at grey's right now. I hadn't really planned on watching the spinoff next season and somehow they forced me into it. Those bastards mixed it in with grey's and acted like it was no big deal. It was like watching 2 shows on 2 different channles only switching when one of them went to commercial. Seriously ABC? Seriously. Good luck on your spin off, and good job casting notorious bad luck actors, it's like a who's who of recently cancelled terrible shows. Tim Daly? Taye Diggs? That chick from that judging amy show? Why not just have everyone on set break a mirror while walking under a ladder opening an umbrella as a black cat runs by. I mean seriously. That show was terrible. I don't care about those people so don't try and make me. Scrubs has not gotten tivoed 2 weeks in a row because of you (you can't watch live tv if it's recording 2 channels so in order for me to watch basketball i had to cancel the recording of one of them and i guess i chose poorly). dammit.
totally agree about grey's. I got in the bath tub for a good 2 hour soak and found myself wanting to drown about 10 minutes in. i give up on them. All I wanted to see was the wedding fiasco. oh well.
I am so pumped for POTC. I really didn't like the first one, and (after reading your review) I didn't think I'd care much for the second one, either. But I rented it a few months ago and I really can't recall the last time I enjoyed a movie that much. Bill Nighy's Davy Jones probably tops Depp as Jack Sparrow, and his CGI was some of the best special effects I've ever seen. My only complaint is that I agree with you insofar as the whole movie ended up being a 2.5 hour-long preview for POTC 3, and somewhat needlessly, since they could easily have resolved the Davy Jones plotline and come up with something else for the third movie. But I guess then they'd be susceptible to your criticism that they were just telling the same story three different ways.
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