Of all the movies I've seen and reviewed so far on my blogs I finally saw a perfect 10 last night. Knocked Up is ridiculous. It's a perfect balance of chick flick and dude flick. Perhaps not as many one liners and hilarious moments as The 40 Year Old Virgin, no, nevermind now that I think about it I could not stop laughing during this movie. If you are a fan of Judd Apatow (freaks and geeks, undeclared, 40 y.o virgin) then you will absolutely love this. It has been a very long itme since I have bought a dvd for full price the day it comes out in dvd but I will be waiting on the edge of my seat for the next 4 or 5 months until this comes out. Sometimes I may go overboard on the superlatives but about half an hour into this movie I actually said, "this is the best movie I have ever seen." Granted that may not be true, but go see this as soon as you have a couple hours of free time.
More reviews... I got Half Nelson on netflix last week and it's really no surprise at all the Ryan Gosling was nominated for an oscar. It's about a junior high history teacher that deals with his addiction to coke and balances being a good teacher - 8.6.
I got some new cds as well. The new Ozma cd is pretty good, not nearly as good as Rock and Roll Part 3 but pretty sweet - 7.0. If you are in the mood for a good country cd go get the Taylor Swift cd - it reminds me a lot of the Dixie Chicks -wide open spaces - 8.3.
Anyways you might be thinking that I always review movies favorably and while I may like almost every movie I see, I do know the difference between a good movie and a bad movie. I actually only review big budget movies on here or movies that I think other people besides me will like. I realize that this usually means that you have no ideas about what movies not to see so I suppose I could review all the movies I see. If so I also recently saw The Sentinal, Beer League and The Groomsmen. They are all good movies to watch if you know what you are getting into, and if you like Ed Burns (She's The One) then def check out The Groomsmen.
Alright I'm outta here. go big....
-M, p & z
oh ps - I've refrained from writing anything about the pistons but I will have to mention something after this series ends, i hope to god that isn't tonight.
1 comment:
have you seen 'hard candy' yet? it'll make you pee blood.
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