So last night was the premiere of the new season of the Real World. I have yet to see a good season since they started doing two a year. The last great one (and best season ever) was Return to New York, with The Miz, Malik and my girl Lori. I thought I would offer my two cents on this new cast (i'll go from left to right in the pic). Janelle seems a bit moody and has issues with being mulato (she's half black half white). Look for some very unreasonable arguments stemming from her insecurities about it. John seems like your run of the mill douchebag. He is much too cocky to be of any use, reminds me of Ace (from paris) only not as nice or funny. Jose is my boy, he seems like a cool Jaquise (san diego) type of guy who wont cause many problems and therefore not be in much of the season. Zach seems okay thus far, I have yet to make any

Playing Halo 2 online has not only captured my time over the last year or so but it has also destroyed any scruples I once possessed. It used to be that I never used the word 'faggot' because it is pretty much one of the few words that are used with pure enimty. Halo changed all of that though. While I would never use it outside of playing Halo, it can be found spewing from my mouth every ten seconds or so while I'm playing. It is the most common word that you will hear while playing Halo online. Not only is it okay to use that word but it is the only setting in a public forum where it is only natural for an 8 year old to say something to the effect of, "You fucking suck worse than my little sister." As odd as that may be what is more ridiculous is that people my age are allowed to say whatever we want to this 8 year old and there is not a single person who thinks it's wrong. Can you imagine what would happen if someone saw me in the street telling some little 8 year old kid that after Bill and I tag-team his mom we are going to cut his nuts off? I would go to jail. Anyways, it's a crazy world we live in.
Lastly I would like to talk about an adventure my friend Jason and I had a few years ago. One day we were wondering what to do for lunch on some Saturday afternoon. We decided on fast food but could not decide which one to go to. We had it down to the big four, Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell. After discarding taco bell (it gave Jason a ridiculously bad case of the runs) and much arguing about which one was best we decided to hit the big 3. We were going to craft our own value meal out of the best selection at each place. I believe my meal consisted of a Chicken Sandwhich at BK, McD's fries and Wendy's nuggets. Though the best sandwhich bar none is a spicy chicken at Wendy's, the only thing at BK that I would get is a chicken sandwhich. Anyways to make a long story short, we both had ridiculous cramps and gas for the next 24 hours. I'm not quite sure why since it all seems equally bad for you and I dont understand why mixing the three would be so bad but take my word for it, if you ever want to hit up 2 or more fast food joints: don't. Anyways the genius that came up with that Mr. T ad needs to be elected for president or something because if that doesn't make you want (have) to get a whopper than I don't know what does.
Anyways thats all for today, as always keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
I'm out
oh ps -things not to get at the following places:
BK - chicken fingers and fries are disgusting there
Wendy's - it used to be the chili (as far as health codes go) but now I think it's okay
McD's - it's all pretty much equally stomach pain inducing
I can't denounce Marty because he's family. And because I'm a gargantuan hypocrite... -C
Anyways, I think I'm too old to put up with this Real World shit. I mean watching a 19-year old talk about how her boobs are real just doesn't do it for me anymore. Also, I'm not so sure of Tyler. He seems like he enjoys causing drama. I'm over drama. I know you don't believe it but I am. I'm just growing old waiting to hear from graduate schools watching my mom clean out closets. NYC here I come!
Is mulato really that bad of a word nate? I have never heard any backlash from it before.
Wait, what's going on? Who erased their comment? Nothing is worse than not being in the loop, except maybe having a leech stuck to your eyeball. Aaaaaa! talk about gross. Not that it happened to me but it could happen to someone...
I think the word still has very negative connotations. I personally would refrain from using it (unless addressing Scarris).
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