Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen, I Hate You: vol. 19...

Oh what a wonderful little twist this story is having. As you all know by now, I am a fierce opponent of the fact the Charlie Sheen is still alive, and as such am always elated when bad things happen to him. It seemed as if he would never get what was coming to him. Hold your wife at knife point on Christmas day? No worries, you're Charlie Sheen. Drive while under drugs? NBD. Busted for cocaine? How about a raise?!

But finally after years and years of perpetuating the collapse of American society with that terrible terrible atrocity that is Two and a Half Men, you may have finally done it. After calling out AA and CBS and making personal attacks on the creator of the show, it canceled the rest of the season. Fantastic news. And now, his appearance on the Today Show this morning, has resulted in an incredible backlash against him. Not since Tom Cruise called Matt Lauer 'glib' has anyone given such a crazy interview. He's still on drugs and his spiral into hell is really fun to watch.

Here is a coincidental link Kingsford recently posted about what people look like after getting addicted to drugs. Look at those and tell me Chuck doesn't belong with these other assholes. Hopefully within the year, people will forget that he ever existed.

Charlie Sheen, I hope you don't die, but live a long agonizing life where I get to punch you in the face every day until I have kids and then they get to punch you.

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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