Saturday, May 22, 2010


Disregard that last post. Or at least the part about drinking. I was obviously drunk. Ahhhh drunk posting. I was shocked, shocked I tell you, that people thought 'schmoops' was a lady friend when in fact she is just that. I would however like to talk about Arizona for a second.

Fuck you, Arizona. I'm never visiting and never showing you my id.

That's about all I have to say about that. Also, on a side note about how cool and intelligent I am, I've been reading The Economist for the last couple months (only $48 a year!! get a subscription) and can I just tell you how exciting the elections were a couple months ago? No, I can't because you don't know what was going on because you aren't as smart as I am. But seriously, reading it makes me feel like I don't know anything. So we've turned it into a drinking game that is sure to get you blasted: flip through it and every time you have no idea what an article is talking about, you drink. Awesome.

Lastly, I will be blogging more. I think I'm getting the hang of school and 'budgeting my time' and I found that if I can get work done on the weekend, I have a lot more free time during the week.

Whatever. Sorry for being uber lame two posts in a row.

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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