Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mothers Day...

I had the most hilarious train conductor (is that what they're called in the city?) on Friday morning. He pops on the overhead speakers and says, "This isn't a traffic update, but I just wanted to say Happy Mothers day to all the beautiful mothers out there. Also happy ladies day. All ladies are beautiful in general and whether you're a mother or not, you should be celebrated. I just want to thank you all for spending this beautiful Friday morning with me."

This guy made me happy for mulitple reasons. First, who does that? Second, it was a rainy morning and when I got on the train, the clouds parted, the birds were singing and it really was a beautiful morning and this dude put a smile on a lot of people's faces. Also, it just dawned on me that either he was as happy as I was or he was on drugs, and that would be scary to have a train operator be that high.

Anyway, happy mothers day. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

1 comment:

Mark Twain said...

That is so nice. I hope he wasn't high, but if he was maybe more people should get high because this story made me smile.