Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tiger Woods Ya'll...

 I've been a terrible blogger this month. I'll try and get back on track. Did everyone watch Tiger's press conference last Friday? There are a few things to take away from it, the most important being that I'm still not sure when he's returning to golf and it sounds like he might not be at the Masters which would put on damper on my Spring. It's hands down the greatest golf tournament ever and without him, it might as well be any other tournament.

Also, after reading a number of articles about the press conference, it seems like people disagree about how genuine and sincere it was. I have been a fan of Tiger's since his days as an amateur and I'm pretty sure this is as apologetic and heartfelt as he gets. Watching him was sort of painful. You could see him trying to be remorseful but it was like he was trying to get choked up and like he kept waiting for a tear that never came. One thing Other Guy always though Tiger lacked, despite our clear resolution to love everything about him, was a personality. I can't blame him. He was pushed hard all his life and then pretty much became an icon at 16 that he never had a chance to be a person and learn how to be a person who has emotions and people skills and an ounce of empathy. I think Tiger feels bad for what he did because of the way things turned out, but like Rhianna said, "Don't tell me you're sorry when you're not, baby when you know you're only sorry you got caught." I'm pretty sure Tiger is truly sorry for the pain he caused and knows that it was his fault, but I'm still not sure that he knows what he is sorry for. I mean, those texts and voicemails are outlandishly cruel to Elin - to do something like that takes a complete lack of caring which would make any apology for it a lie.

That said, I've decided that while he may have let me down, I'm still a huge fan. I never looked up to him as a role model (come to think of it I can't think of any person in the media I think of in that sense...maybe Tom Hanks) so it didn't knock me off my feet. I was shocked but I love Tiger because of golf, not because he married some smoking hot Swedish model. He is the greatest golfer ever. Watching him on a golf course is jaw dropping and awe inspiring. The game needs him back and so do I.

Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

oh ps - I hate Bill Simmons but he wrote a decent article about it

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